New to the District
Welcome to our community!

If you have recently moved to South Taranaki, then this page is for you. This is an introductory page that will direct you to some of the things you'll need to know about living in our wonderful District.
While we hope the information found here will be helpful, you are always welcome to speak to one of our team, whether that be in-person, over the phone, or email.
So, let's get you started!
Antenno App

Antenno is a mobile app that sends you alerts and notifications, about places and topics you care about in South Taranaki.
Antenno is free to download and use, and you can opt out of topics that aren't of interest to you. It doesn't ask for any personal information or login details, so it's a nice easy way to stay informed.
There are two ways you can use Antenno; to receive notifications from council about the places you have marked as important to you or reporting back to council on issues or feedback.
To find out more about the Antenno App and instructions to download, visit: Antenno App - South Taranaki District Council
Bylaws are localised rules or regulations made by the South Taranaki District Council, under national legislation, that affect how people live, work and play in our community. Bylaws protect both our district and your rights. They are there to make our district a safe and healthy place.
To view the South Taranaki District Bylaws, visit: Bylaws - South Taranaki District Council
Council Media and Publications
Follow Council's Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest news and updates here: South Taranaki District Council Facebook
Council also provides multiple publications free to the community:
Southlink | Includes Council news, community notices and reminders. Included in the Taranaki Star newspaper every Thursday. Southlink E Newsletter sent out every Wednesday afternoon (click the link to sign up). | |
Southlink Extra | Quarterly Newsletter sent out with Rates Invoices. | |
State of the Arts | Seasonal Newsletter about what's going on in the Arts Community. | |
Blueprint | Building industry news and Council updates. | Publications - South Taranaki District Council |
To sign up to receive Southlink straight to your email inbox, visit: Publications - South Taranaki District Council
You can also view all Council News, Media Releases, open Consultations and Road Closure Notices on the home page of our website:
Dog Information and Registrations
If you have moved from another district to South Taranaki, you need to notify the previous council of your change of address, and let us know within two weeks of your move. You can do this by calling or emailing the Customer Services team on 0800 111 323 or email.
You also need to complete a dog registration tag swap from your previous council's tag to a South Taranaki tag. You can do this by bringing your current year registration tag into our Administration Building or one of the LibraryPlus centres. There is no charge for your tag swap. Failure to advise change of address can result in an $100 infringement.
Dog registrations are due on 1 July of each year and cover the 12-month period to 30 June of the following year. Renewal notices are mailed early in June for all dogs currently registered with the Council to give owners plenty of warning.
All unregistered dogs must be registered using this form: Dog Registration - Editable.pdf
If things change (e.g. you move address, leave the district permanently or the dog passes away), it is your responsibility to let us know. Please email through any new information to us at or complete the online form here: Dog Change of Details - South Taranaki District Council
For more information regarding Animal Management, visit: Animal Management - South Taranaki District Council
Council offers a range of facilities throughout the District available for community use, from Community Halls, Swimming Pools, Campgrounds, and much more.
To see a full list of facilities, visit: Our Facilities - South Taranaki District Council
LibraryPlus Centres
There are seven LibraryPlus centres across the District: Hāwera, Ōpunakē, Manaia, Kaponga, Eltham, Pātea and Waverley.
Joining a South Taranaki Library is free to all local residents and residents of neighbouring districts. Simply visit a South Taranaki LibraryPlus and ask one of our staff to sign you up.
Our LibraryPlus centres are not just libraries, they are an extension of the Council administration office, meaning you can do a number of other services at the centres, such as:
- Pay rates and registration fees
- Complete and submit forms
- Lodge a CRM
- Use the free wifi, loan computers and printers
And much more.
Each LibraryPlus hosts regular free community events catered to both adults and children. To see the list of events, visit: Regular Events - South Taranaki District Council
To find out more about the South Taranaki LibraryPlus centres, visit: LibraryPlus - South Taranaki District Council
Rates Information
If you are a home/land owner, rates are billed in four instalments for the rating year which begins on 1 July and ends on 30 June. Your rates invoice will be posted or emailed to you on the first day of the month that your rates are due.
Council offers a range of methods to pay your rates:
- Online Credit Card Payment
- Internet Banking
- Direct Debit
- Automatic Payment
- In person
To keep up to date with the instalment dates and for more general Rates information, visit: Rates - South Taranaki District Council
Rubbish and Recycling Kerbside Collection
The Council provides the district’s communities with a cost effective and eco-friendly system of waste management that includes; refuse collection and disposal, a kerbside recycling service, transfer stations with free recycling drop-off, and a voluntary green waste service.
The kerbside collection operates on a fortnightly system, alternating between General Waste in the first week (Red Week), Recycling in the second week (Yellow Week) and food scraps collection which runs weekly.
Your collection day will depend on where you live and which zone you are in (either A or B). Below is a tool for you to find out your next collection days. Just type in your address and press search!
Find out when your bins are being collected - South Taranaki District Council
You can also pick up a free yearly waste collection calendar which has all the dates pre-populated for you based on your town and zone. It has a magnet so it can sit safely on your fridge. To pick up one of these, visit your nearest LibraryPlus or the Council Administration Office.
If you experience an issue with your kerbside collection (e.g. your bin is missed or damaged), you can let us know by phoning 0800 111 323 or logging an Antenno request on the Antenno App. Our customer services team will then lodge a Customer Request Memorandum (CRM) to have the issue looked at, and a staff member will contact you.
For more information about Rubbish and Recycling, visit Rubbish and Recycling - South Taranaki District Council
Transfer Stations
There are seven Transfer Stations across the district; Hāwera, Ōpunakē, Manaia, Pātea, Eltham, Waitotara and Waverley.
Free recycling facilities that are accessible 24 hours a day are available at Ōpunakē, Eltham, Manaia and Waverley Transfer Stations. Hāwera, Waitotara and Pātea Transfer Stations also have free recycling, however it can only be accessed in open hours.
For more information about the Transfer Stations, visit: Transfer Stations - South Taranaki District Council