Komiti takawaenga-a-Iwi
Te Kāhui Matauraura is made up of representatives from the four Iwi within South Taranaki, along with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and one Councillor. This Committee provides an opportunity for district Iwi to discuss issues before making recommendations to the Council.
Please check the Meeting Calendar for confirmed
meeting details.
Please note; dates and times of scheduled
meetings are subject to change and will be notified on the Meeting Calendar
(link above) and also in the weekly Southlink page in our District's free
community newspaper, the Taranaki Star.
and minutes
from the Council's Policy and Strategy Committee meetings
can be found in the Meetings Calendar (link above).
For more information, please contact the Governance Team or call 0800 111 323.
Chairperson | Mayor Phil Nixon
Deputy Chairperson | Deputy Mayor Robert Northcott
Te Kāhui o Rauru Address: 14 Fookes Street, PO Box, Waverley 4544 Phone: (06) 346 5707 Website: www.rauru.iwi.nz | Marty Davis - email Hinewai Katene - email
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Address: PO Box 474, 147 High Street, Hāwera Email: info@ngaruahine.iwi.nz | Ngaraina Brooks - email Ferinica Hawe-Foreman - email
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ruanui Address: PO Box 594, Hāwera Phone: (06) 278 0148 Website: www.ruanui.co.nz
| Turangapito Parata - email Ngapari Nui - email Graham Young - email |
Te Kāhui o Taranaki Address: PO Box 929, Taranaki Mail Centre, New Plymouth 4340 Phone: (06) 751 4285 Website:www.taranaki.iwi.nz Email: admin@taranaki.iwi.nz | Peter Moeahu - email Vacant
Membership | Cr Andy Beccard Cr Aarun Langton Cr Tuteri Rangihaeata
The primary role of Te Kāhui Matauraura is to enhance the relationship between Iwi and Council. The current terms of reference are being reviewed alongside the development of an Iwi-Council Partnership Strategy.
The Committee is delegated the power to grant funds from the Tangata Whenua Liaison Fund within the purpose of the Local Government Act 2002. A sum of $50,000 is allocated by the Council to the Committee each financial year.
Other than the Tangata Whenua Liaison Fund the Committee makes recommendations to the Council for it to consider and make decisions on.