Temporary Road Closures - Eltham
This notice is to let you know that in accordance with the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, the South Taranaki District Council proposes to close the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic to hold a Car Hillclimb at the following times.
During the proposed period of closures the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the roads: - “In the event of a situation necessitating the use of the roads, contact must be made with the ‘Organisers’ on site on the day.”
Any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodge notice of this objection and grounds thereof in writing before 10 April 2025 at the office of the South Taranaki District Council, Private Bag 902, Hāwera 4640 or to roading@stdc.govt.nz.
Tirimoana Road, Eltham
(approx. last 2.2km before the gravel section)
Saturday 17 May 2025
7.30am to 5.30pm
Ararata Road, Eltham
(last 3km of seal before Makino Valley Road)
Sunday 18 May 2025
7.30am to 5.30pm
It will be an offence under the above Act for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised period to use these roads for ordinary vehicular traffic during the period of closures.