Plan Change 2: Amendments to South Taranaki District Plan Maps
A Plan Change request was received from Todd Energy Limited in accordance with Clause 21 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 27 March 2023.
This request for plan change to the South Taranaki District Plan (District Plan) was endorsed and adopted for notification by Council at the Ordinary Council meeting on 26 June 2023.
The Plan Change was publicly notified for submissions using the process prescribed by Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act. The submission period closed on 27 October 2023.
The Plan Change request (known as Plan Change 2 “PC2”) seeks to accurately identify offsite risk for each of Todd Energy Kapuni sites. This ensures regulation of the use and development rights of neighbouring landowners, and that management of the risk is proportionate to the quantified risk.
This requires the inclusion of site-specific risk contours in the District Plan maps, being Petroleum Activity Risk Contours, enabling the management of that risk through the existing District Plan framework without any other amendments. This will remove unnecessary regulation on the use and development rights of neighbouring landowners, resulting from the existing application of the current generic fatality consequence distances within the District Plan.
PC 2 includes the:
- Amendment of three existing District Plan Maps (Rural Map 08, Rural Map 09 and Special Map 03)
- Addition of three new Special maps (Proposed Special Map 03A, 03B and 03C).
The proposed map amendments and new maps are designed to introduce nine new Petroleum Activity Risk Contours and one new Petroleum Flare Alert Area. Two Petroleum Activity Risk Contours will be deleted.
PC2 does not propose any new objectives, policies, or rules. No consequential amendments to objectives, policies or rules are required because of the proposed map changes.
Section 32 Report and Appendices
PC2 - Appendix A - Kapuni Field Overview Plan
PC2 - Appendix B - Proposed District Plan Maps
PC2 - Appendix C - QRA Kapuni Wellsites
PC2 - Appendix D - QRA Kapuni Wellsite Addendum
PC2 - Appendix E - QRA Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant
PC2 - Appendix F - QRA Suitability Review Kapuni Wellsites
PC2 - Appendix G - QRA Suitability Review Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant
PC2 - Appendix H - QRA Kapuni J Wellsite
PC2 - Appendix I - QRA Peer Review Kapuni J Wellsite
PC2 - Appendix J - Landowner Engagement Letters and Maps
PC2 - Appendix K - Landowner and Stakeholder Letters-Emails of Support
PC2 - Appendix L - QRA Kapuni J Wellsite Updated
District Plan Maps Affected
More Information
If you have any questions about the proposal or process, please contact the STDC Planning Team at or on 0800 111 323.