We’re proposing to update the District Plan to better enable Papakāinga Development in South Taranaki.
The Papakāinga Development Plan Change (PC3) seeks to include new provisions that enable papakāinga development that supports the aspirations of our district’s iwi, including recognising the difficulty some landowners face developing and obtaining financing on Māori freehold land. Papakāinga means the development of one or more dwellings by tangata whenua on their land, and can include other activities that support the papakāinga, such as a Marae and other community buildings.
The key changes include the following:
Updating several definitions relating to Papakāinga Development, to reflect iwi aspirations and support amended provisions. These include:
- Ancestral Land
- General Title Land
- Marae
- Papakāinga Development
- Papakāinga Development on General Title Land
New and reworded objectives and policies within Section 2.7 Tāngata Whenua to reflect the updated aspirations of Council and iwi and make it clear that Papakāinga development is enabled in South Taranaki.
Removing the density requirements (net site area) from the Residential and Township Zones performance standards to allow flexibility with the number of residential units on a site. Other performance standards still apply.
Making the following amendments to the Rural, Residential, Township and Commercial Zone chapters:
- Retaining Papakāinga development as a permitted activity on land held under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 where the relevant performance standards are met
- Enabling Papakāinga development where the relevant performance standards are not met by making it a Controlled Activity for land held under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993
- Enabling Papakāinga development on General Title land by making it a Restricted Discretionary Activity.