Local Government Excellence Programme
hiranga kawana ā-rohe
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) has embarked on a new local government excellence programme, CouncilMARK, designed to improve the public's knowledge of the work councils are doing in their communities and to support individual councils to further improve the value they provide to all New Zealanders.
CouncilMARK™ is a system designed by the local government sector to show and grow the value of local government in New Zealand.
CouncilMARK measures indicators across leadership, finance, service delivery and community engagement to highlight both the good and the areas for progress, and chart a way forward for local government improvement. Participating councils are assessed by independent experts every three years, given an overall rating from triple AAA to C, and the results publicised.
For more information about CouncilMARK™ visit www.councilmark.co.nz
South Taranaki District Council gains BBB CouncilMARK™ Rating
In October 2017, the South Taranaki District Council completed its inaugural assessment as part of the CouncilMARK™ local government excellence programme and received a CouncilMARK™ rating of BBB. This rating was retained following a second assessment in 2020.