Intent to Graze Reserve - Kaūpokonui Recreation Reserve
Notice of Intent to Graze Reserve
Kaūpokonui Recreation Reserve
Under Section 73 (1) and Section 119 of the Reserves Act 1977, the South Taranaki District Council hereby notifies its intention to enter into a Grazing Licence to Occupy for approx. 3.5 ha of Section 84 Block VI Waimate SD (being part of the Kaūpokonui Recreation Reserve) for a period of five (5) years, subject to the provisions of the Act.
For further information on the above proposal, contact the Property Officer: phone 0800 111 323 or email:
Written objections to the leasing of this reserve for grazing purposes will be received up until 4pm on Monday 30 August. All submissions must include your name, postal address, daytime telephone number and an email address if applicable.
Submissions must be sent to:
Kaūpokonui Reserve Grazing Licence Submissions
South Taranaki District Council
Private Bag 902
Hāwera 4640
Or email: