Public Notices
Tenders for licence to occupy for grazing purposes - LC0032/24
Public NoticesTenders are invited for the licence to occupy for grazing purposes the following area of Council land:
Tenders for licence to occupy for grazing purposes - LC0002/24
Public NoticesTenders are invited for the licence to occupy for grazing purposes the following area of Council land.
All South Taranaki Water Restrictions Lifted
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesAll water restrictions in South Taranaki have now been lifted says South Taranaki District Council’s infrastructure group manager Herbert Denton.
Plan Notice of Plan Change 3 - Papakāinga Development
Public NoticesThe South Taranaki District Council has prepared proposed Plan Change 3 to the Operative South Taranaki District Plan (District Plan) under Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
Tenders for Licence to occupy for Grazing Purposes
Public NoticesTenders are invited for the licence to occupy for grazing purposes
Temporary Road Closure - Hāwera
Road closuresPublic NoticesIn accordance with the Transport Regulations 1965, the South Taranaki District Council proposes to close the following road to ordinary vehicular traffic at the following time.
Temporary Road Closure - Glasgow Street, Hāwera
Road closuresPublic NoticesIn accordance with Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, notice is hereby given that the following road will be closed to ordinary traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
Temporary Road Closures - Ōpunakē (Mountain to Sea bike ride event)
Road closuresPublic NoticesThis notice is to let you know that in accordance with the Transport Regulations 1965, the South Taranaki District Council proposes to close the following roads at the following times.
Temporary Road Closures - Hāwera, Pātea
Road closuresPublic NoticesIn accordance with Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, notice is hereby given that the following roads will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
South Taranaki Weed/Vegetation Spraying
Public NoticesAs part of STDC's pest plant management and maintenance programme, Fulton Hogan will be spraying road frontages for vegetation and pest plants over the next two months.
Temporary Road Closures - Waitotara, Hāwera
Road closuresPublic NoticesIn accordance with Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, notice is hereby given that the following roads will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
Proposed Trade Waste Bylaw out for consultation
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesCouncil needs to renew its Trade Waste Bylaw so it can continue to manage trade waste in the District and we want to know what you think.
Manaia Water Shutdown
Public NoticesThe water supply will be turned off on Saturday, 10 February, from 11. 00 pm to 1. 00 am at the following properties: 86-103 Manaia Road, 1-26 Tauhuri Street, 18-61 Karaka Street, Manaia.
Road Works Planned for King Edward Street/Rawhitiroa Road, Eltham
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesWork is set to begin on King Edward Street/Rawhitiroa Road Eltham as part of the South Taranaki District Council's programme to improve the quality of local roads.
Temporary Road Closures - Eltham & Okaiawa
Road closuresPublic NoticesIn accordance with Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, notice is hereby given that the following roads will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic at the following times.
Opunake Water Pipes Flushing
Public NoticesWe will be flushing the Opunake town water pipes for a couple of hours on Monday 18, Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 December starting at 10pm.
Temporary Closure of Roads to Vehicular Traffic
Road closuresPublic NoticesIn accordance with the Transport Regulations 1965, the South Taranaki District Council proposes to close the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic at the following times.
Water Shutdown Notice - Normanby
Public NoticesNewsThe Normanby water supply will be turned off on Thursday 23 November from 11:00pm to 3:00am, to allow for testing for water leaks in the network.
Temporary Road Closures
Road closuresPublic NoticesIn accordance with Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, notice is hereby given that the following roads will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
Temporary Road Closure - November
Road closuresPublic NoticesPrinces Street, Hāwera, Eltham: Preston Place, Railway Street London Street (between SH3 and York Street), York Street, Cornwall Street, Stanners Street, Bath, Tayler and Mabey Streets