Our Services
Abandoned Vehicles
Alcohol Licensing
Animal Management
Arts Co-ordinator
A-Z Services
- Apply to Register as an Independently Qualified Person
- Apply for a Building Consent
- Building Consent Information
- Building Consents Issued for the month
- Building Fees and Charges
- Building Inspections
- Code Compliance Certificate
- Compliance Schedules and Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF)
- Earthquake Prone Buildings
- Marquee Information
- Processing your Building Application
- Project Information Memorandum (PIM)
- Residential Swimming Pool Fences
Busking and Street Activity Permit
Civil Defence and Emergency
Community Development
Food Licensing
Health Licensing
Housing for the Elderly
Pay Online
RAPID Numbers
Planning and Resource Consents
Rubbish and Recycling
Rural Fire