Roadsafe Taranaki

Kaitaki huarahi i Taranaki
Roadsafe Taranaki is a partnership managed by the South Taranaki District Council on behalf of the New Plymouth, Stratford and South Taranaki district councils to promote road safety throughout the Taranaki region.
Roadsafe Taranaki is funded to deliver activities that target high and medium road safety risks in Taranaki. These risks have been identified through local crash data, community feedback and through NZTA via research and crash reports. Roadsafe Taranaki supports the Safe System approach to road safety.

Some of the activities and programmes Roadsafe Taranaki undertakes or focusses on include:
- Impaired and distracted driving
- Supporting Students Against Dangerous Driving (SADD) in Taranaki secondary schools
- Restraint and fatigue education
- Supporting community run driver licence programmes
- Walking and cycling safety, particularly around schools and school buses
- Helping promote safe speed and driving to the conditions
Roadsafe Taranaki also manages the Taranaki Road Safety Workplace Charter. The Road Safety Workplace Charter is an opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to the safety of their workforce on the road and to meet Health and Safety legislative obligations. Roadsafe Taranaki can provide support and free resources to businesses that will help with ongoing training and education of employees. The Workplace Charter is designed to accommodate any size of business and the self-assessment tool is a useful guide to the types of things your organisation could be doing to improve road safety for both your employees and the community.
Roadsafe Taranaki works closely with key partners from across the region to deliver the Roadsafe Taranaki Strategic Plan.
For more information, please email.
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