Our awesome team at STDC work hard to keep our District beautiful and clean but with such a large area to cover it’s great to have some help! Community Clean Ups are a great opportunity to get your friends, family, school, business or local community group together and make a positive impact in South Taranaki. We all have a role to play in keeping our communities clean and waste free.
Before getting started it’s important to choose a suitable time and location for your clean up. If you are going across private property, ask permission first. Make sure of things like no nesting birds in the area or endangered plants growing.
If you are wishing to complete a Community Clean Up then it must be registered with the Council at least two weeks prior to your clean up date. This will enable your group to have fees waived when dropping off the waste at your local transfer station but will also give instructions on how the waste needs to be sorted for better disposal and recycling (where possible).
If we are all reducing, reusing and recycling, waste, litter and community clean ups can hopefully become a thing of the past!
Registration Form
Click here to download the registration form for Community Clean Ups!