Green waste Bin - subscription only
Green waste service
This service is a voluntary fortnightly collection using a 240L wheelie bin.
To opt into this service, all you need to do is come into Council, South Taranaki isite Visitor’s Centre or any LibraryPlus to buy a sticker that goes on the front of your 240L wheelie bin and entitles you to your green waste being picked up on fortnightly basis from the kerbside for 12 months. It will be picked up on your collection day on your RED WEEK. If you don't have a collection calendar, you can download one here (Zone A, Zone B), or you can pick up a hard copy from your local LibraryPlus, isite or Admin Building. Click here if you are unsure which zone you are in.
The registration year begins in October and ends the following September, but you can buy a sticker at any point in the year.
There is a maximum weight of 70kg when these bins are full.