Hāwera LibraryPlus, isite and AA services are now located at Te Ramanui o Ruapūtahanga, the new building on the corners of High and Regent streets, Hāwera.
Hāwera LibraryPlus, isite and AA services are now located at Te Ramanui o Ruapūtahanga, the new building on the corners of High and Regent streets, Hāwera.
The Council considers the provision of an effective and efficient road and transport system is a key component of its goal of providing high quality living and productive environments.
Roading and transport provide people with access to employment, services, education, and recreation, as well as provide for the movement of goods to support a growing economy.
The roads, footpaths, street lighting, cycleways, signage and bridges are all key components of the road and transport system.
The Council's primary consideration for its roading network is to ensure it is safe to travel on. If you have any safety concerns about any part of the road network, please let us know. Your concerns may be related to:
If you have seen any of these or other issues, then we want to know about it. Please report the fault to us by phoning Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 323.
Please note that the Council is not responsible for State Highways that run through our District. If you have any concerns relating to the State Highway, please contact the New Zealand Transport Agency directly.
To obtain service plans of Council assets within the road reserve, contact beforeUdig. The beforeUdig service helps contractors to determine the location of any underground services before excavating.