Advise against Shellfish collection near Hāwera
Low levels of potentially harmful organisms (norovirus) in shellfish has been found after recent monitoring near the marine outfall in Hāwera (near Koutu, Pukeroa and north west reefs).
As a precaution, we advise against taking and eating shellfish from the area between Denby Road and the Manawapou Stream mouth.
The Council have erected warning signs at the Denby Road beach access point, the outfall track, and at the Manawapou Stream mouth access track.
At low concentrations, norovirus can be infectious to humans, resulting in sickness (such as vomiting or diarrhoea) for a few days.
The affected area is monitored periodically and will ensure the public is adequately advised should there be a change.
Notices have also been put on the Facebook page and in the Taranaki Star.
If you have queries, please contact our wastewater treatment team by phoning on 0800 111 323.