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Summer Blast Holiday Programme
LibraryPlus NewsNewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki Libraries popular summer reading programme is being revamped this year to offer a new, dynamic way of encouraging children’s’ learning and discovery.
Popular Arts in the Park Returns
NewsMedia ReleasesThe ever popular Arts in the Park event is returning to Hāwera’s King Edward Park on Saturday 7 December.
Virtual Reality Comes to South Taranaki Libraries
NewsMedia ReleasesEver fancied kayaking in the breath-taking environment of Antarctica? Well with the latest virtual reality technology you can do just that without having to leave the safety of your living room.
7 Days Live Show Coming to Hāwera
NewsMedia Releases7 Days (Live Show) is coming to Hāwera on Thursday 21 November as part of the town’s annual comedy show, but you will need to get in quick as there’s only a few tickets still available.
#ComplEAT to save time, money and waste.
NewsMedia ReleasesDid you know one of the biggest environmental challenges we face is food waste? If it were a country, food waste would be third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.
NZTA starting work on Glover Road Roundabout
NewsMedia ReleasesThe works, which started on Monday 21 October, are expected to take 10 weeks, weather dependant.
South Taranaki District Council Election Results
NewsMedia ReleasesAfter the counting and verification of special votes, the final results are in or the South Taranaki District Council and Community Boards
Scale Ship Regatta to set Sail in Hāwera
NewsMedia ReleasesThe Scale Ship Regatta is setting sail at King Edward Park’s boating lake in Hāwera on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November.
Council in Healthy Financial Position
NewsMedia ReleasesThe Council finished the 2018/19 financial year with a healthy $5.8 million surplus before accounting adjustments*, against a budgeted surplus of $2.1 million, according to its Annual Report.
Council Supports Youth Cadets
NewsMedia ReleasesThe South Taranaki District Council and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) have partnered to undertake a cadetship programme, which has created on the job training for four local youth.