Temporary Road Closures for Targa Rally
Targa Rally – Friday 27 May 2022
Stage: Warea
Warea Road (200m from SH45 to Newall Road)
Newall Road (from Warea Road to 300m from SH45)
9.45am to 2.15pm
Stage: Insane Eltham
Oru Road (from STDC boundary to Rāwhitiroa Road)
Rāwhitiroa Road (between Oru and Horoi Roads)
Horoi Road
Rāwhitiroa Road (between Horoi and Maata Roads)
Maata Road (between Rāwhitiroa and Campbell Roads)
Campbell Road
Rotokare Road (between Campbell and Fraser Roads)
Fraser Road (between Rotokare and Tiromoana Roads)
12.40pm to 5.10pm
Stage: Kohi Loop
Kaharaki Road (from Kohi Road to intersection with Okahutiria Road)
Kohi Road (to intersection with Kaharaki Road)
2.25pm to 6.55pm